纪录片《I· II · III MY STORY》里,合作十年的“金牌经纪人”黄柏高因此称她是个“超人”,而这位胸口写个勇字闯歌坛的“水瓶座”歌手,如今回望从艺生涯却领悟到,原来一路走来大家最欣...
"I missed the war, but I have fought another battle against poverty all my life," he said. Famine in the 1960s forced him to seek change again. At the end of 1970’s, on th...
It's all in the hands of God. “都是命中注定的。” ▲ World's oldest mother, 74, is in intensive care alongside her husband, 78, who had a heart attack after birth of twin ...
比如电影中哪吒的经典台词“我命由我不由天”被翻译成了“I am the master of my my own fate”。而“去你个鸟命”被翻译成“forget your fate”。 此外,一些电影中独有的名词也有了官...